Foreign athletes have to upload a medical certificate, issued by their doctor on the form provided by race direction. You can downlod the blank form Trail del Moscato official site.
No medical certificate is required to take part to "Sali Scendi" 10k walk nor for Nordic Walking.
Multiple registration is active for this race, which can be done by group guide. If you are a group guide please send us an email to for accreditation instructions. For sports clubs there is one free entry for every ten registered participants (the eleventh is free for the distances of 10 km and 21 km. Should the eleventh registrant be for the 54 or 106 km, a 20% discount will be applied from the registration fee). An additional 10% discount will also be applied for each athlete upon reaching 15 registrations.
Die Aufnahmegebühr muss beim Ausfüllen des Formblatts bezahlt werden oder innerhalb 3 der nächsten Tage. Nach dieser Frist, bei Nichtzahlung, die Registrierung wird automatisch gelöscht.